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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Catherine Bigelow

We have arrived in Oxford, and were greeted with some lovely England weather - rain, and lots of it! Since all of the other posts so far have been about the lovely sites, I thought I would add one about our journals. For each day, we have been drawing and writing about our thoughts, the sites, and our journey. I thought I would share a picture of my journal with everyone. It's from the 27th of April - our trek up the Glastonbury Tor - and the 28th of April - visiting the lovely Prior Park. Not everyone's will look the same, which is the beauty of our journals, but they will stand to remind us of all the wonderful things we will do these three weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Rain. Yup. I remember that.

    Great idea sis! When I was in Europe, my Travelog was my journal. I wrote 8 pages on *just the Tate Modern art museum in London. A little obsessed. This doesn't surprise you.

    Glad to hear you're enjoying local eateries - I like that sticker from The Whole Bagel!
